Friday, 22 April 2011

Psychology of a Cybernetic Punks & Club Report

This is a section of a article written by a gamer about thier attitudes based on psychology, i thought this was a good basis on how the brain of a gamer effects where the go, how they live and the types of music etc they would be interested in

'Rage. It's a popular subject among gamers, and as the online community has grown and the number of online gamers has risen, Rage has become a problem for everyone who wants to have a good time practicing their hobby.

Rage falls under the realm of "feelings". These "feelings" may be more or less accessible based on your own personality, but commonly, and in the rest of this faux-article, Rage is actually a word for "frustration".

Frustration, of course, happens when some objective, item, or event you wanted to go your way simply does not. This can cause all manner of physical discomfort for a person, as the chemicals in their body that regulate happiness are taking a back seat to chemicals in their brains telling them that something is wrong. And this is all taking place after just one tiny little incident!

As gamers know, games involve a degree of skill as well as a degree of luck, and one tiny little frustration can quickly turn into an avalanche of misfortune. So, as things continue to turn for the worse, the Rage-O-Meter increases simultaneously. Physically and mentally, rage can take you from a wonderful, happy-go-lucky gaming session down into the abyss of extreme uncontrollable anger, which is often then released in the nearest and most explosive way. (This article would contain a hyperlink on the word explosive linked to a video of somebody smashing a screen/keyboard.)
This begs the question: How do I keep myself from morphing into a hate-spewing, trash-talking RAGE MACHINE?!' (AlbinoX, January 2010

Punk, Soho- Your Mums House Thursday Night ...Although mostly based in the USA the gaming community would go out to clubs with a diverse range of people, with mostly a indie vibe small venues would be favourable. Night clubs like Punk and there night called 'Your Mums House' which I have been too invites all to be a unique, wacky or 'normal' as they like, playing rock and metal as well as some popular classics they please the crowd who are just there for a good night out. From the middle aged to the street wise 18 year old hipster and the drag queens everyone fits in at Punk this is why i think the gamers would enjoy being here, as many would seclude themselves from the 'norm' they like to escape into fantasy which is what Punk was all about.

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